“Highway To Hell” Was Created On The Toilet! Yes, You Read That Right!

Everybody has had great ideas while sitting on the porcelain throne and just thinking. Angus Young (AC/DC) revealed in a recent interview that he came up with one of the greatest rock songs ever while on the toilet! He and Brian Johnson talked about that and much more on Apple Music with Zane Lowe. Watch and listen!

Apparently, AC/DC were working on the album “Highway To Hell” in Miami. Malcolm came into the studio that day with his brother Angus. He had the basic idea of the song “Highway To Hell”. Angus explains that he had the idea for the music, “But I didn’t have anything to sing. And he was saying to me, ‘Well, have you got something you can come up with?’ And I said, ‘Okay, give me a few minutes.’”...Don’t worry, here’s where the toilet comes in: “And I went to the toilet, and then I was in the toilet and I was there and I’m sitting and thinking. And I’m just sitting on the throne, more or less, and then I go, ‘I think I’ve got it. I’ve got it. I’ve got it. I’ve got the idea in my head.’ And then I came in there and I said, ‘I’ve got it. Highway to Hell’ — and I was over the chords that we had tried out through a chorus. And he went, ‘Yeah, that’ll work.’ And he said, ‘If we spread it out a bit into full singing thing.’ So he came up with a spread of it, [singing] ‘Highway to hell’.”

Next time you hear the classic “Highway To Hell”, you’ll be picturing Angus on the toilet with Malcolm next to him playing guitar!

You’re welcome...haha!

-- Doug O’Brien